Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Ceci n'est pas un blog.

So this is supposed to be a "blog" of some sort.

Why did I start a blog? It seemed like a good idea at the time.  I feel I have some things to say that are worth listening to. Also I enjoy a good bandwagon ride every now and again.  I am a little upset that iamawesome.blogspot.com was taken by a little 15 year old girl from New Jersey. Rude.

I feel like this blog will at times be very profound and insightful and at other times be very sarcastic and irreverent. I mean irrelevant. I really have no vision for this blog other than one of occasionally saying something worthwhile to whomever decides they have nothing better to do than to read my awesome blog.  Sometimes there will be a specific purpose and topic for posts while other times posts will have nothing to do with anything.  The latter style of posts may or may not be more amusing, depending on who's reading it.  Example: this post.

Allison 101: Crash Course

- I am awesome.

The End.

Allison 102: A Little More In Depth (but not too deep. that's what she said.)

I like to think about bigger concepts and ideas and universal themes.  Even though in real life I tend to be very random and I like to be goofy and amusing, many people are surprised at the wealth of wisdom and knowledge and advice I have.  Contrary to the blonde hair stereotype, I am actually really smart.  I can't do math to save my life but I am good with words and language and eloquently expressing myself. If I could be paid to give my advice and my opinion, that would be my ideal job.  Actually I want to be paid to sing but that won't happen so I'm going to school because I enjoy inflicting pain on myself apparently.

So I suppose this blog will be a lot of my opinions about whatever I hear or see is going on and feel the need to comment.  I promise not to be lame.

Also I will come up with a catchphrase but I don't have one yet.

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